[Andrés Sánchez Robayna (Santa Brígida, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 1952). Poet and essayist. Director from 1983 to 1993 of Syntaxis, a journal of literature, art, and criticism. He is the Director of the Workshop in Literary Translation at the Universidad de La Laguna. He has translated Wallace Stevens, William Wordsworth, Salvador Espriu, Haroldo de Campos, Joan Brossa, and Ramon Xirau, among others. Author of such poetry collections as Abolida, 1977; Clima, 1978; Tinta, 1981; La roca, 1984; Poemas 1970-1985, 1987; Palmas sobre la losa fría, 1989; El resplandor, 1990; Fuego blanco, 1992; Sobre una piedra extrema, 1995; Agosto, 1998; La sombra del mundo, 1999; Inscripciones, 1999; Poemas 1970-1999, 2000; El libro, tras la duna, 2002; and En el cuerpo del mundo: Obra poética (1970-2002), 2003.





















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