[Margarita Ballester]

Last  retreat



I have recalled the string sound of the lyre

the age of the time that tightens in the crowd

the fields of fruit and the small vineyards

with that sea kept in the pupil.

Everything is marmoreous near the Pe ntelico




The day is dark

the fog comes from a drowsy february

the trees of the silent landscape

keep in their enclosure

a spirit of spell

and rest of the years on the stones

everything that happens in my forest

has happened without encoded time

only in the shelter of stories and songs



Not even the dream remains untouched when the dribble that destroys arrives

like me, I dreamed of a paradise of heavenly gifts and the sea

and the names of sweet perfect animals inhabited by men.

At night you challenged the scented basil and a part of you and me

died under the tense moon derailing in a moment the whole life.



[Entre dues espases, 2004]



[Margarita Ballester Figueras, was born in Barcelona in 1942. She taught History until her retirement. Since 1990 she has been living in Menorca. She has published 3 books of poems: L'infant i la mort, Columna edicions, Barcelona 1989. Els ulls, Columna Edicions, Barcelona 1995. Entre dues espases. Col·lecció "Jardins de Samarcanda", Editorial Cafè Central - Eumo, Vic (Barcelona) 2004.



[Translated by Amalia Planells]



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